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Blown-In Blanket System

The Blow-In Blanket® System is a proprietary, high-performance insulation system which incorporates fiberglass blown into walls, floors, attics, and cathedral ceilings.


In new construction, the fiber is blown behind proprietary mesh fabric, forming a seamless blanket of insulation.


The Blow-In-Blanket(r) System completely fills around pipes, wires and other objects inside the cavity, eliminating costly voids and air gaps.

BIBS vs the Competition


BIBS vs Fiberglass Batt

Batts are manufactured to precise sizes in a factory setting. Houses are site-built with size variations and obstructions (pipes, wires, electrical boxes, etc.) in the framing. The NAHB estimates that up to 60% of stud cavities in the average new home are imperfect; 1/4'' larger or smaller thanstandard, or have obstructions inside. In all of these cases, it is more difficult and time consuming, if not impossible, to get batt to fit well. Compression of batts, imperfectly-fitted batts, etc. means reduced thermal values and/or air voids. Because BIBS is installed and "custom-manufactured" on the jobsite, it fits perfectly each time, filling the cavity completely, around and in back-of obstructions. BIBS also requires 2 to 2-1/2 times the fiber density of most batts, providing better thermal values and lower air infiltration.


BIBS vs Cellulose

BIBS offers a higher R-value than any type of cellulose (BIBS, at R-4.2 per inch is 17% better than R-3.6 provided by cellulose). BIBS uses virgin fiberglass blown-dry behind mesh. Fiberglass is a 99.5% pure material without the chemical additives in cellulose. Fiberglass is naturally non-flammable and cannot support mold growth. Because BIBS/Dry is installed without added moisture, walls can be covered immediately with gypsum board, saving time and eliminating concerns about moisture trapped in a wall cavity.


BIBS vs Foam

Foams are made from scare petrochemicals. Low density, open cell foams (lcynene, Demilec, Bio-base) offer much lower R-values (approx. R-3.6-3.7 / inch than BIBS, but at a much higher price. High density, closed-cell foams, such as polyurethane, offer higher R-values but can be very expensive and must be protected from flame. These foams also have very poor sound-deadening qualities. Both types of foams generally advertise their reduced air-infiltration values. A house with BIBS and properly installed house-wrap, however, performs very well in air-infiltration testing.


​BIBS Highlights

Reduced Air Infiltration

National laboratory tests show the Blow-In-Blanket System reduces air infiltraiton up to 68% over conventional batt-type insulation, providing more comfort.

Higher Efficiency R-Values

The Blow-In-Blanket System's higher density insulation delivers highers R-Values, saving you energy and money

Excellent Sound Control

The Blow-In-Blanket System completely fills around objects inside the wall cavity, resulting in excellent sound control.

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The Blow-In-Blanket System does not settle. The unique process of injecting the fiber behind a dust-free mesh eliminates settling.


The Blow-In-Blanket System is naturally non-flammable, does not support the growth of mold, and contains no added formaldehyde

Recycled Content

In addition to its energy-saving and custom-fitting qualities, The Blow-In Blanket System incorporates fiberglass made with 25% or greater recycled content

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